a black belt birthday

michael’s birthday was the 11th. friday night we had dinner at the red barn with john and the fellows as well as frances and bill. great friends and a great night!

the red barn in demop...

i had already given michael his birthday gift {iron bowl tickets for him and stephen} so we really only had dinner planned for saturday. he had been wanting to go to gaines ridge dinner club in camden. on our way up we drove through linden and they were having a fair {could possibly be the smallest fair ever} so we stopped.

love the smell of carny food....

michael loved this game {note the roasted sweet corn in hand}....

after we drove for an hour and a half we made it gaines ridge. only to find out that a local bank had rented it out for the evening. it was so cute, so we will definitely be back.

gaines ridge dinner club all decorated for christmas...

we we ended up for dinner....

the food was actually great and we were able to watch cam win the heisman....